
SUP_03 Eduardo Polonio



DVD 1 (biography) contains a biographical account filmed by Javier A. Bedrina. We would like to acknowledge the collaboration of Javier Aguirre, MARIA DE ALVEAR, Llorenç Barber, Ricardo Bellés, José Manuel Berenguer, Evru-Zush, José Iges, Eva Lainsa, Elena Martín, Andrés Lewin-Richter, Adolfo Núñez, Carmen Pardo, Carles Pujol, José Luis Téllez and Edson Zampronha.

DVD 2 (anthological edition) contains a selection of 48 electroacoustic works composed between 1969 and 2014. The total length is 9 hours 54 minutes and 37 seconds. You can listen to it on any DVD or Blue-ray player, or on a computer. In both cases we recommend playing the sound on a hi-fi system. Although it is a DVD it does not have images except when, at the beginning of each work, the title appears briefly on the screen, along with the year of the composition and length.

Excerpts from the booklet of the DVD:

It is never easy making a selection, even more so when dealing with one’s own works. With what criteria? Why some yes and others no? I have chosen to make a sample with the works I consider most representative throughout all these years. Some of them include traditional instruments (processed or not); others belong to multimedia shows (obviously the visual part I not included). All of them, however, have electroacoustic sound as their base, which has been my language for more than forty years. I must confess that there are two works that mark a turning point in my aesthetic outlook. The first is Cuenca (1985) and the second Trois moments précédant la genèse des cordes (2001). It is of great curiosity that they are separated by sixteen years (the same number that separate Cuenca from Para una pequeña margarita ronca (1969). ...

Eduardo Polonio _ Edición Antológica
from €20.00