
WE0008 E



weiss/weisslich 18
1-7 Birke, Eberesche,Esche, Erle, Weide, Weißdorn, Eiche (04:40)
8-13 Steineiche, Hasel,Wein, Efeu, Schlehe, Holunder (04:00)
14-18 Tanne, Ginster, Heidekraut, Espe, Eibe (03:20)

IEAOV (Nerz und Campari)
19-26 Altsaxophon (16:00)
27-34 Violoncello (16:00)
35-42 Flöte (16:00)
43-50 Horn (16:00)

Kammerensemble Neue Musik Berlin:
Theo Nabicht _ alto saxophone
Ringela Riemke _ violoncello
Normisa Pereira da Silva _ flute
Katrin Vogel _ french horn

electroacoustics: Wolfgang Musil


One day I met something strange on a stroll through the fields not far from the Hungarian border. The corn stood tall and waited to be harvested. The hot summerly east wind went through the fields, and suddenly I heard the hiss. Many had explained it to me but still I cannot tell the difference between wheat and rye. But I heard the difference. I think it was the first time that I actually heard something without an aesthetic context (like in a concert). Or was it the first time I heard in the first place? Something had happened. Before and after were separated categorically; they had nothing to do with each other anymore.
(Peter Ablinger)

CD #0008
peter ablinger :



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